About Me

I bring software development projects from inception to completion. My experience includes social robotics, privacy, and technology ethics research.

Visit my main website or connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more about me and my experience.

About This Digital Garden

When I was setting up my main website, I knew I wanted a place to share my learnings, experiences, and thoughts.

Read this digital garden’s guiding principles to better understand this space.

Is this a blog?

No. This is a digital garden.

What is a digital garden?

Digital gardens are a way to present ideas and information. The content in a digital garden differs from a blog, because the latter is organized by reverse chronology and the former is nonlinear and based on forming links between ideas. In many (but not all) cases, blog posts are intended to be perfect at the time of publication and rarely edited afterwards. Digital gardens allow for quick notes that can be revisted in the future.